There are three phases of hair growth — anagen, catagen, and telogen, during which there is growth and maturation of hair and the activity of the hair follicles that produce individual hairs. During the final or exogen phase, the "old hair" sheds, though by this time, a new hair should be ready to take its place. This is the regular hair growth cycle and it is common to lose 50-80 hair strands per day. But it is increasingly becoming common to have higher hair loss. Hair loss is defined as losing more than 100 stands per day. When the rate of hair fall is faster than the rate of hair replacement, there is thinning of hair, receding hair line, emerging baldness and overall reduced quality of hair. Hair becomes brittle and loses its shine.
Hair fall has been described in almost all the Ayurvedic literatures as Khalitya. It has been included under Shiroroga in Charaka Samhita & Ashtanga Hrudaya. Khalitya is a common disease of the world population and can have a profound effect on physical and emotional state. Causes include irregular sleeping habits, stress, wrong dietary pattern, pollution, frequent travels, change of water (hard water) and in many cases, incidences of covid.
Ayurveda pays a lot of emphasis on "dincharya" or routine. A good hair care regime, based on the principles of ayurveda, is necessary for reducing hair fall and promoting new hair growth.
The Neem Ayu Anti Hair Fall Shampoo is developed to become part of the regular 'dincharya' or routine. It is free from sulphates and free from parabens. It is a conditioning shampoo, made using herbal or natural ingredients.