healthy lifestyle habits

How to get great and strong hair - 9 habits to follow

Adopt these habits in your daily routine to reduce hair fall and improve hair volume, hair strength and hair shine. Healthy hair is not difficult to achieve, but it needs care and the regime must be followed regularly. Using the right products and right regime is important.

By: Dr Neena Sharma (M.D. Ayurveda)

9 Lifestyle Habits to Get Great Hair

Every habit we have contributes to our health and well-being. Our state of physical and mental health is the sum total of our lifestyles. How we work, what we eat, how we spend our free time, how much stress we have, and many other such day-to-day factors can affect not just our body but also our hair-health. So, here are a few hair-healthy lifestyle habits for you to adopt!

Lifestyle habits for healthy hair

  • Hair-healthy diet – For better hair-health, you need foods rich in protein, omega fatty acids, iron, zinc, B vitamins, and folic acid. Lean meats, fish, eggs, beans, vegetables, fruits, and milk products are good sources of these. To supplement your diet, you can take Ayurvedic capsules like Neem Ayu Anti Dandruff Capsules and Neem Ayu Anti Hair Fall Capsules.
  • Proper hygiene – Some basic hygiene habits for good hair care include washing regularly and not using very hot water on your hair and scalp. You can also use hair masks, packs, and conditioners with natural ingredients like Methi, Triphala, and Amla to nourish your hair and scalp.
  • Right shampoo – Good quality Ayurvedic shampoos are free of parabens, sulphates, and other harmful chemicals. Instead, they give you the benefit of herbs like Anantmool, Brahmi, and Manjistha. If you have hair loss or dandruff, choose Ayurvedic shampoos like Neem Ayu Anti Dandruff Shampoo and Neem Ayu Anti Hair Fall Shampoo.
  • Give up harmful habits – Reduce consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and junk food. These items harm your overall health and weaken your scalp and hair from within. Other habits to give up include using high heat for drying hair, over-brushing, and excessive colouring and styling of hair. These habits attack your scalp and hair from outside, damaging them.
  • Cover hair – Whenever you go out, it is better to cover your hair. A light covering with a scarf, hat, or umbrella protects your hair and scalp from Ultraviolet (UV) light, which can force more strands to go into the resting phase and later fall out. Covering your hair also protects it from dirt, dust, and pollution.
  • Exercise – Regular exercise builds immunity and improves circulation, benefiting scalp and hair-health. It also helps to flush toxins out of your scalp through sweating. Certain asanas further boost hair growth and health. For example, Hastapadasana (Hands to Feet Posture), Trikonasana (Triangle Posture), and Viparitkarni (Inverted Posture).
  • Oil massage – According to Ayurveda, massaging your scalp with a medicated oil is critical to hair-health. Called Shiroabhyanga, it helps to balance the three Doshas. It also rejuvenates and nourishes your scalp. You can use oils like Neem Ayu Anti Hair Fall Oil and Neem Ayu Anti Dandruff Oil that contain herbs such as Karanja, Neem, and Guduchi.
  • Good sleep habits – Rest is necessary for the body to recuperate and rejuvenate, and this applies to your hair and scalp too. 6-9 hours of sleep are recommended for ensuring a good night’s rest. You should also avoid stimulating drinks or activities before sleep, reduce screentime before bed, and braid your hair (if it is long) at bedtime to prevent tangles.
  • Reduce stress – Stress can cause rapid and excessive hair fall as well as worsening of conditions like dandruff, eczema, or alopecia. You can reduce stress through mindfulness, yoga, and meditation. Ayurveda also has certain remedies that can reduce stress.

If you adopt these practices in your daily life, your overall health and mood can improve significantly. You can also get the healthy, lustrous, and thick hair that you have always dreamt of!

(image by schantalao on Freepik)