How to get long hair, hair growth, reduce hair fall

Ayurveda for hair growth

In Ayurveda, hair loss or hair fall problems can be managed with the help of both external as well as internal remedies using natural ingredients such as methi, neem, guduchi, karanaja, brahmi, and much more. The vitamins, calcium, flavonoid, and other nutrient-rich properties included in Ayurvedic oils and other products can aid in curbing hair loss and promote hair growth without the use of chemicals. Choosing the right hair care regime is important to help improve hair growth and reduce hair fall naturally. 
Having a good hair day is more than just about waking up and your hair behaving the way you want it to. It is an instant mood uplifter/booster, the soft and shining mane of hair often upping one’s confidence levels quite radically. Hair is one of the key elements in one’s appearance, probably even more important than the clothes we were as those we can change.  It is, therefore, not difficult to imagine how a bad hair day can dampen the mood and confidence. If that is compounded by additional hair and scalp issues such as dandruff, hair thinning, acute hair fall and such, it can trigger mental stress as well.
 Studies show that loosing up to 100 strands of hair in a day is absolutely normal. One may ask why is this normal? A single strand of hair passes through ALL four stages or phases of growth, namely,
  • Anagen - The growth phase
  • Catagen - Transition phase
  • Telogen - Resting phase
  • Exogen - New hair phase
Normally 90% of the hair is in the anagen/ growth phase and the rest are either in the resting or shedding phase. One should consider hair fall a problem when hair fall begins to result in receding hairline, hair loss in patches, or overall thinning. In a hair loss condition, each hair cycle produces thinner, weaker and fewer hair that eventually leads to baldness.

In Ayurveda, such problems are permanently resolved or reduced, with the help of both external as well as internal remedies using natural ingredients such as methi, neem, guduchi, karanaja, brahmi, and much more. The vitamins, calcium, flavonoid, and other nutrient-rich properties included in Ayurvedic oils can aid in curbing hair loss and promote hair growth without the use of chemicals. Choosing the right hair care regime is important to help improve hair growth and reduce hair fall naturally. 

However, one must remember that Ayurvedic treatment does not alter one’s hair type but encourages one’s natural hair type to be in its best and healthiest state. Hair loss can be reduced, hair fall can be slowed down and natural hair growth can be improved with use of the right ayurveda based practices.